Turbo for engineering.

Unlock the true potential of your customer engagement tactics with the power of HELIOS developer services.
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How it works

A straightforward development stack.

``` sh

# Shared utilities and types

npm i @buildhelios/common

# Collect and tag data in your frontend
npm i @buildhelios/hubble

# Connect to Helios services from your backend
npm i @buildhelios/services

# AWS CDK Constructs
npm i @buildhelios/cdk

``` typescript

import * as cdk from ‘aws-cdk-lib’;
import { Construct } from ‘constructs’;
import { HeliosConstruct } from ‘@buildhelios/cdk’;

export class DefaultStack extends cdk.Stack {

   constructor(scope:Construct,id:string,props?:cdk.StackProps) {

       // ... Your custom CDK deployment

       const heliosDeployment=new HeliosConstruct();

``` typescript

{ selectAsync } from ‘@buildhelios/services’;
import { EventRecord, EventRecordTable } from ‘@buildhelios/common’;
const selectedEvents:EventRecord[]=await selectAsync(
   sql`SELECT * FROM “EventRecords” WHERE “type” = ${userSelectEventType}`

``` typescript

{ z } from ‘zod’;
export const ProfileScheme=z.object({
   // ... and many more profile properties
export const Profile=z.infer<typeof ProfileScheme>

``` typescript

{ selectWithPromptAsync } from ‘@buildhelios/services’;
import { Profile, ProfileTable } from ‘@buildhelios/common’;
const profiles:Profile[]=await selectWithPromptAsync(
   ’Find users that opened last week\‘s sales campaign’



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Access HELIOS Core Services code repositories on Github—the world’s largest developer platform—for the critical resources you need in order to discover the advantages HELIOS produces in speeding up your development time.

Tools for creators.

HELIOS is a supercharger. Speed up development, testing and deployment of your customer engagement with the flexibility of a serverless environment and simplicity of Typescript.
Data Management
Harness the power of our HELIOS Intelligence module as a centralized hub for data management, providing developers with robust analytics and advanced querying capabilities to extract valuable insights and optimize targeted marketing strategies.
Analytics Engine
Extract valuable insights, perform complex data analysis, and make informed decisions. With its comprehensive range of analytical capabilities, HELIOS equips developers with the tools they need to optimize performance, identify patterns, and drive impactful business outcomes.
Customer Profile Management
Organize, segment, and personalize customer data for targeted marketing strategies. With HELIOS, developers can leverage comprehensive customer profiles, gain actionable insights, and deliver personalized experiences to drive customer engagement and loyalty.
Powerful Querying
Retrieve and analyze data with advanced querying tools and flexible querying options. With HELIOS, developers can unleash the full potential of their data by performing complex queries, filtering, sorting, and aggregating data to gain actionable insights and drive informed decision-making.
Profile Segmentation
Create dynamic customer segments based on various criteria such as demographics, behaviors, and preferences. With HELIOS, developers can easily define and manage segments, allowing for personalized marketing campaigns and tailored customer experiences to drive engagement and conversion.
Look-Alike Audience Syncing
Effortlessly synchronize their existing customer data to identify and reach similar audiences, allowing for more effective customer acquisition and improved campaign performance through look-alike targeting strategies.
Transactional & Bulk Messaging
Take full control of your messaging strategy with the HELIOS Communications module, empowering developers with robust transactional and bulk messaging capabilities. With a user-friendly message builder and centralized content libraries, developers can efficiently manage and engage their audience across multiple channels, ensuring consistent and personalized customer interactions.
WYSIWYG Message Builder
Streamline the process of creating captivating messages with our HELIOS WYSIWYG message builder. Designed with a user-friendly interface, developers can easily design visually appealing content without the need for coding. The WYSIWYG editor allows developers to customize and preview their messages in real-time, ensuring seamless and professional communication with their audience.
Universal Templates
Effortlessly streamline your message creation process with our HELIOS Universal templates feature. Our comprehensive library of pre-designed templates can be easily customized and applied to various communication needs. By leveraging these templates, developers can save valuable time and effort while still having the flexibility to tailor them to specific messaging requirements.
Content Libraries
Efficiently manage your content assets with the HELIOS Content libraries feature, providing developers with a centralized repository for storing, organizing, and accessing media files, documents, and other content resources. With Content libraries, developers can ensure consistency in their communications across channels by securely storing and reusing approved content. This streamlines the content management process, resulting in engaging customer experiences.
Customer Conversations
Enhance customer interactions with the HELIOS Customer conversations feature, equipping developers with tools to effortlessly manage and maintain conversations with customers. From transactional messaging to bulk messaging, developers can ensure seamless and personalized communication through centralized conversation management. This facilitates engaging interactions across various channels, fostering stronger customer relationships.
Document Management
Simplify document management with the HELIOS Document management feature, empowering developers to efficiently store, organize, and access important documents and files in a centralized system. With HELIOS, developers can easily manage document versions, collaborate on files, and ensure secure access and distribution. This streamlined document-related processes, improving overall productivity and efficiency.
Complex Data Modeling
Unleash the full potential of your data modeling capabilities with the HELIOS Automations module, empowering developers to create and manage intricate and flexible data models. By seamlessly integrating with other systems and tools and leveraging a comprehensive automation ecosystem, developers can streamline processes, automate tasks, and achieve efficient and effective data management within their ultimate system.
Advanced Workflow Management
Supercharge your development workflow with our HELIOS advanced workflow management features, equipping developers with robust tools to optimize and automate complex processes. With HELIOS, developers can efficiently handle task dependencies, track progress, and foster seamless collaboration, empowering them to enhance productivity, accelerate project delivery, and drive successful outcomes.
Integrations Library
Effortlessly integrate your applications with a wide array of systems and tools through the HELIOS Integrations library, offering developers an extensive collection of pre-built connectors and APIs. With HELIOS, developers can seamlessly connect their applications, enabling comprehensive integration and creating a cohesive ecosystem of interconnected tools and systems to unlock new possibilities and enhance overall functionality.
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